A Glory Story

I don't have that kind of story
Full of happiness and glory
I would like to tell you what I had
But I know, it would make you feel sad

Imagine being trapped in a cage
Instead of laughter, filled of rage
I wasn't there, nowhere not even here
Instead I thought about something in me to tear

It's like your mind is discriminated
Being shown and demonstrated
I could say to myself that I really want more
But it would sound like a cheap metaphor
I want to stand up and say to you all
But I am blind and I am facing the wall

We can't control it
But it is really something
And that's what destiny is

Var aš skoša eitthvaš gamalt dót, ég var greinilega reišur unglingur į sķnum tķma! Gott aš mašur hefur eitthvaš žróast og róast meš tķmanum:) En gaman aš segja frį žvķ aš žetta var eitt fyrsta ljóšiš mitt į ensku!

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